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Rules of the site



Who can become a PCRA Member?

Membership is open to any resident who owns a property on the Peel Common Estate and subscribes to the current annual membership subscription. This membership entitlement applies to owners living off site but does not entitle their tenant to membership.

Note that the Peel Common Estate consist of the 544 houses and bungalows built for the Metropolitan Railway Company Limited in 1963.

The estate is enclosed within a 70 acre site that includes landscaped lawn areas, trees, shrubberies and pathways.


 Benefits of membership


  • Collective action is more effective in dealing with any problems.
  • The PCRA has legal powers not available to individual tenants.
  • The PCRA have established a relationship with the Managing Agent and are in a position to exercise influence and pressure to improve the quality of management of the estate.
  • The PCRA can exercise a degree of influence over expenditure by the managing agent on proposed costs and help maintain a reasonable yearly Service Charge.


Membership facts


  • The Peel Common Residents Association (PCRA) was formed in June 2005 and is currently registered as a Recognised Residents Association with the landlord company Honor Management Ltd.
  • The larger the membership the greater the strength of PCRA representation.
  • The PCRA respond to all enquiries from members and freely provides advice.
  • Membership is £10 a year which is less than 20p per week.
  • Committee membership is voluntary and unpaid.


Membership Fees


The Membership rate is £10 per year running from the last day of October to the first day of November the following year. New members joining within 3 months of the year end will have their membership extended to encompass the next full year.


How to pay


  • By Standing Order:       This is the preferred payment method and is the most convenient for both the PCRA  and the member. Members complete the required Standing Order form (see "Membership Forms" below) and forward it to their bank. Alternatively a form can be hand delivered.Telephone 02392 161202, (answer machine - leave a message), or see Contact Point below. 

Note 1: For setting up a standing order using online banking PCRA banking details can be found on the standing order form.

Note2: The content of the standing orders, available for both membership payments and service charge savings is simple to follow. However it is very important that you include your "old" lease number (per your deeds). If you don't have this it can be obtained from the membership secretary - see Contact Point below or contact Admin peelcommonra@gmail.com

If you are familiar with internet banking you can do this online. If you are not you can download a form (see membership forms below) but you must forward this to your own bank once you have completed the form.

  • By Cheque:        Must be made out for £10 payable to the PCRA and posted at one of the contact points listed below.
  • By Cash:             Pay £10 cash and post at one of the contact points listed below.


Membership Forms


The following forms can also be selected for downloading.

PCRA Membership Application Download

PCRA Membership  Standing Order Form Download  (Complete and present to your bank).

Membership Application forms are required for new members only.


Contact Point


                        PCRA Office - 22 Tern Walk




For further information contact

e-mail:                   peelcommonra@gmail.com

Telephone:              02392 161202 (Answer machine - leave a message)


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