The PCRA committee have discussed at length the proposed site of the National Grid converter and have agreed to work with the Lee on Solent Residents Association and Gosport Local Councillors to have our concerns addressed. In principle the PCRA committee accept the National Grids requirement to find a site for the converter but question how this new preferred site of Daedalus has been chosen over the initial preferred site of Chilling (Near Warsash)
With a choice of locations why has the National Grid selected a site that to all intents and purposes is in a residential area? Did National Grid take into consideration the fact that they are proposing to place, what is basically a high power electrical generator, close to 3 schools?
It is known that there will be noise problems and electrical radiation (EMF) from the converter station and the design will require careful and expensive insulation considerations. Why are National Grid introducing difficult and threatening problems to a residential area when their first preferred option was on a site that would not affect the public?
The converter complex covers a huge area equivalent to 4 football pitches with the main building declared to be up to 25metres high (6 to 7 storeys). Half of the converter complex is planned to be built in a green buffer zone. It has been stated that the complex will be camouflaged by a state of the art design that has yet to be produced. Why is it less detrimental to compromise an agreed Local Plan then to spoil a view in a Hampshire County Council declared Special Protection Area (Chilling)?
National Grid plans indicate that half of the converter complex area will intrude into the airfield. This puts it within 600 metres of the runway. Will National Grid secure approval and safety certification from airport authorities such as the CAA and advice on operation safety from the British Gliding Association?
Daedalus is an Enterprise Zone. This converter station does not come within this concept. There may be temporary employment in the construction but on completion the staff levels will be very small.